An efficient acyclic contact planner for multiped robots: installation and technical details

These instructions explain how to install the specific version of the planner used for the TRO paper, as well as the optional tools that were used to validate the approach.

Motion planner installation on ubuntu-14.04 64 bit

Installation instructions

These instructions use permanent links to the libraries used to generate the examples demonstrated in the original T-RO paper. To get the latest version of hpp-rbprm, please refer to the github repository.
We strongly advise using the latest version of rbprm, as the present one is no longer supported, and has been dramatically improved!
To install all the packages on ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit, you should do the following steps:


Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-doc/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the documentation of most packages.

Source code for the trajectory generation solver used to generate dynamically feasible Center Of Mass trajectories

The source code of the version used with the TRO paper can be found on github, or downloaded from the present website here. To get the latest version of the solver, please refer to the github repository. The readme file contains information to get started.

Source code for the dynamic simulator used for validating the contact plans

A permanent tag pointing to the version used with the TRO paper can be found on github, or downloaded from the present website here. To get the latest version of the simulator, please refer to the github repository. The readme file contains information to get started.

Details on the decimate tool

To reduce the complexity of a mesh, we used the decimate tool from the version 2.75 of blender. A permanent link to this version along with the documentation can be found here. However, similar results can be obtained with most 3D authoring tools available, which all propose a similar feature. Another option is to implement your own decimation tool, following the instructions of the paper "Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics", by Garland and Heckbert, for which you can find the complete reference here. Using Blender, for HRP-2 and HyQ, we set a decimation ratio of 0.06 to obtain the meshes shown in the paper.